Virtual Onboarding Report for agencies
The working world will never be the same and employers will need to get this right or risk losing new hires.
That is why we researched 41 carefully selected companies that demonstrated a best-in-class "virtual onboarding process for their new hires".
The goal to help you ensure your new starters are fully immersed in your culture, despite working from home and are as productive as quick as possible.

Get practical tips from progressive agencies
How to run an exceptional pre-boarding, 1st day, 1st/2nd week, 30/60/90 days employee experience.
The processes used to help new hires feel part of your culture quickly.
The role of people ops directors and line managers during virtual onboarding.
Mental-well being tips for new hires, especially in their first week when new job anxiety is at peak.
Get new hires to learn about their clients, systems and working processes as quickly as possible.
Discover processes progressive agencies use to help new hires develop their skills - without feeling they are constantly bugging their line manager